Never, ever did I ever think there would be a movie produced about me. But I failed to see the interest the oyster aquaculture story held for so many. Including Jules Crespo, an FSU digital film school student.
She approached me during the pandemic saying her class was selecting three projects - and she wanted to propose the story of OysterMom. I agreed to be supportive, and she submitted a project proposal. It was rejected as a class project, but Jules was not hindered by that -- she said she wanted to produce it on her own.
Weeks later, she and two fellow classmates arrived at my dock for a day of filming out on the oyster lease. She was fully equipped with a microphone, still and video capabilities. She was also adept at asking questions, pulling stories out of me and capturing them in the moment.
A while later, she and the team arrived at my warehouse and filmed me for 1.5 hours -- question after question. Where did I come from, why oysters, what impresses me, who helped, what is my vision for the future, what do I like most about oyster farming. It went on and on as I stat on a stool in my warehouse.
Months later, she sent me a 40-minute documentary. Done. I had no input in what was included and what was omitted and my husband repeatedly asks if he was included. (he is) The
documentary definitely tells the story of how I started, why I started and how it's done. It also covers the importance of oysters to our ecosystems and working waterfront economy.
I am proud of Jules and thankful she persevered to complete the project on her own.
You can stream the documentary at Watch Oyster Mom Online (
Streaming it is free. It has commercials, and a portion of the income from the commercials goes to Jules, a struggling filmmaker, and a portion to Oyster South, a non-profit organization that supports the oyster aquaculture industry.
Thank you! I hope you enjoy the show!
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